IMCC Cambodia
IMCC Cambodia is run by a diverse group of volunteers, including a number of students from the Masters of Global Health program at the University of Copenhagen.
The vision of our group is to promote health and to improve disease prevention for marginalized people in Cambodia. We strive for our actions to be sustainable by closely working with a local partner and by employing a participatory approach.
Specifically, our project will aim to promote environmental health such as food safety and improvements in sanitation in local communities in Banteay Meanchey Province throughout collaboration with local youth volunteers and with the Khmer Youth Association (KYA). The KYA is an experienced Cambodian youth organization with more than 4,000 members and a network that spans across 7 provinces in Cambodia. You can learn more about KYA by visiting their website: http://www.kya-cambodia.org.
Our core values focus on engagement and empowerment of youth in a non-discriminatory way. As such, we seek to empower local youth to have a stronger voice when taking part in future decisions regarding their community.
Our Project Thus Far
In February 2018, a few of our members visited Banteay Meanchey Province where they worked with local youth to assess local needs and selected the focus of our project. Local youth expressed concern with multiple areas in the communities, ranging from drug abuse to the mass emigration of youth from rural areas. In the end, they chose to tackle environmental health – issues of sanitation and food safety. Not only is food safety and sanitation an important yet still insufficiently addressed concern, but it also represents an area where local youth felt that they can make a real impact.
Currently we are working on finalising our pilot project application.
Want to know more?
You can reach us by email at cambodia@imcc.dk
National aktivitetsleder Mahesh Sarki
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